
a new flight deck for Joey

Added a front deck recently so getting close to finishing up the front elevation. Recent projects include finishing up the hardi board siding painted a bright spring time mesquite leaf green, some new palms and repaired Adirondack chairs I built about 10 years ago. Cantilevered it about 30" to match the house. We will eventually landscape under the front edge to conceal supports and to aid the floating look. The framing is all of salvaged 2x8 treated lumber bought for a song off of craigslist. It was formerly a short lived arbor, hence the sawn ends and matching sawn 2x12 underneath. Decked it with treated 2x4's screwed off completely with 3 1/2" composite deck screws and then sanded it to remove all the markings and screw head burrs. It takes extra time for screws over nails but with freshly treated material you have to get it fastened down hard and tight to maintain straight lines. We're on a budget here so Ipe or other exotics, KD treated, composites etc. were not really considered this time. I've tried all the alternative decking materials, 5/4 deck boards, stains and sealers, concealed fasteners, and have decided that no matter what you do or how much you spend any wooden deck will still require maintenance, repairs, and eventual re-decking so it makes some sense to keep it simple, economical and easy to replace someday since it is inevitable. 
The end result is barefoot smooth, drains well, is flat and straight and zen minimalist simple. The dog loves the elevated vantage point and she hangs out along the edges so she can launch off of it like a aircraft carrier flight deck whenever an out of line chicken, unannounced visitor or low flying buzzard is in need of a spontaneous sorte. Some open riser stairs to match the deck replacing the temporary construction steps are being mulled over featuring a welded steel handrail made of some antique twisted rebar salvaged from another project. 

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