
a summer to remember

Day 77 of triple digit heat beating an 89 year old record with the forecast showing 100+ possible for the next several weeks. We had 2/10" of rain last week, the only measurable rainfall for months. Stage 2 water rationing in Austin. And then came this weekend, 108 yesterday and today 110 or better. The thermometer on the front of the storage shed in full sun facing west stands TOPPED OUT. Redlined. Have never in my life seen a thermometer topped out at over 120. Have installed the rainwater tank on the back of the house in this cursed weather, will someday hold 1000 gallons +/-. It was here on the place already and repurposed here atop a 4' high sturdy stand made of 4x4s and 6x6s elevated for a little bit of gravity pressure enough to run soaker hoses for irrigation. It is lined with a new heavy vinyl liner made from a large above ground swimming pool bought for a song on Craigslist compared to a new commercial liner. I calculated it should be full after only an 1" of rain, the shower last week filled it a foot already. Have yet to build a floating ball first flush device or overflow for it; will do those chores once it has a little water in it to flatten out the liner near the top of the tank. The finishing touch is the official claim logo - a flying tricycle in homage to Miss Birdie; the original owner of the place.

The heat and drought has really affected the local wildlife. We have had a resident roadrunner the last few days in search of a dependable water source. He managed to get himself stuck in the open chicken coop today allowing me a closer look and photo-op. 

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