
back home

Back home after two weeks in the Panhandle on a working holiday with the family. Came home pulling a U haul with a riding mower and the last few pieces of furniture from storage that will live in the new claim house. Everything was still buttoned up when we got here, had 6 live chickens, 22 cold eggs, almost 2" of rain in the rain gauge (now almost 19" of rain since October) and don't need a mower after all. First thing I saw by the headlights while opening the gate at midnight was a huge pile of fresh cow plop. Trespassing livestock. First light this morning reveals approximately 3.5 lbs of cow shit per square yard of closely cropped grazed grass. East 3 wire fence down in several places. Nice. Guess I'll be fencing this weekend.



The PJG 746 license plates have been assimilated into the collective hive of the gazebo of junk. Resistance was futile. (Hmmm.. PJG : Plates for Jeree and Glenn or Plates from Jeraine and Gina?)
- thanks to our Trekkie friends for the donation.